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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please click on the question to read the answer.

Q. What should I do if I get lost in the wilderness?
Q. Is it OK to hike in sneakers?
Is it OK to throw away biodegradable items, like apple cores and banana peels?
What's the best way to pack my backpack?
How do I wash myself if water is scarce?
What is the best kind of stove fuel to use?  
Q. Do ground cloths belong under or inside the tent?
Q. Do I have to eat freeze-dried food when I camp?
Q. If I wear extra clothing in my sleeping bag, why am I still cold?
Q. What about insects?  
Q. Should I use a sled or a backpack to transport my gear in winter?
Q. When should I snowshoe and when should I ski in the backcountry?
Q. Can I drink water from a stream in winter?
Q. What backpacks are best for winter camping?  

Q. How should I cross a stream?
Q. How much water should I carry?
Q. What foods should I bring on a day hike?
Q. How do I introduce my young children to hiking?
Q. What is the difference between an internal frame  pack and an external frame pack?
Q. How much do I really have to "carry out" when I go backpacking?
Q. When can I build a campfire?
Q. Are wild animals going to invade my campsite at night?
Q. What are good things to have along if it rains?  
Q. What types of sleds are there for pulling my gear?
Q. How do you balance on skis with a heavy backpack load?
Q. How do I keep liquids from freezing?
Q. Which stoves are best for camping in cold temperatures?  


Q. What should I do if I get lost in the wilderness?

A.   First, take every step to prevent becoming lost. Take a map and compass class at a local community center or outdoor store. Before you hike, study a map of the area to become familiar with the trails, nearby roads, streams, mountains and other features. Leave a trip plan with family or friends. As you hike, observe the topography around you (ridges, recognizable summits, rivers, etc.). They serve as good reference points, particularly when you are above treeline.

Always hike with a map and compass. If you become disoriented, stop, pull out your map and calmly look at the countryside for familiar landmarks. Few people remain truly lost after consulting a map and calmly studying the terrain for five minutes.

To help orient yourself, you may want to head to a ridge or high ground so you can identify hills or streams that are marked on your topographical map. But don't wander too far from your original route, especially if you don't have a map. If you have told family members or fellow hikers where you plan to hike, that area is where rescuers will start searching for you.

Should you continue to be lost, S.T.O.P. (stop, think, observe and plan). Try to go back to your last known location if it is within a reasonable distance. Decide on a course of action and stick to it. Most important, don't panic. You will be using up energy that you may need later on.

If you can find no familiar landmarks by backtracking, then stay put. If you carry a whistle, blow it at timed intervals to signal rescuers or other hikers who could lead you back to your campsite or trail.

Q. How should I cross a stream?
If a stream crossing is unavoidable, search for the best crossing site. Note that mountain streams are often deeper than they appear.

The most experienced hiker in the group should cross first, perhaps without his or her pack, to find the best route. (It is easier to return to shore or recover from a fall without a heavy pack on your back.)

Waterproof hiking boots can keep you dry when crossing a shallow stream. Do not cross barefoot, as mountain stream beds are often slippery or rocky. Always face upstream when you cross moving water. Check depth carefully as you cross, and use a walking stick (or better yet, two) for better balance.

If you find a log spanning the stream, exercise caution before using it as a bridge. Many hikers find it unsettling to walk on a log several feet in the air with a rushing stream below them. The surest-footed hikers should carry the packs across, one at a time. Those less experienced or confident should straddle the log and inch their way along--less graceful, perhaps, but a lot safer and drier.

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Q. Is it OK to hike in sneakers?

A. Many day hikers, especially novices, wonder if they really need anything fancier than a pair of sneakers on their feet when they hit the trail.

 When you are hiking on the kinds of terrain found on even quite ordinary day hikes–muddy trails, crumbling surfaces, rocky scree, etc.–there is nothing like a good pair of hiking boots for added support, protection and safety.

Unlike sneakers, hiking boots can withstand the wear and tear of walking on abrasive granite. Their grooved soles provide better traction on rough surfaces. High-cut boots (those that come up around your ankles) provide greater support than low-cut models and help protect you from protruding sticks and stones.

Over the years we have found that good hiking boots more than pay for themselves, and we recommend them highly. 


Q. How much water should I carry?

A. As much as you comfortably can. People often take too little water. Two liters per person per day is a good rule of thumb, depending on the length of the hike, the weather and your level of fitness. Take a lesson from athletes. Recent studies show that cyclists given an unlimited supply of water had over 50% more stamina than cyclists who were offered no water on training rides. You will feel much more energetic and can better tackle those mountain ridges when you are well hydrated.

Many experienced hikers will pack a few gallons of water in the car before they leave home so they can drink some and/or top off their water bottles before they hit the trail. You will also have a fresh supply of water waiting for you when you return to the vehicle.

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Q. Is it OK to throw away biodegradable items, like apple cores and banana peels?

A. No one likes hiking a trail littered with other people's trash. While items like apple cores and banana peels will eventually biodegrade, food leftovers of any kind diminish the outdoor experience for the hikers behind you. We recommend you carry out whatever you carry in and dispose of it properly elsewhere.

Q. What foods should I bring on a day hike?

A. For day hikes, we have found that bagels, mountain bread or pita; sturdy fruit such as oranges and apples; and gorp, chocolate or energy bars are ideal--foods that pack a lot of energy and won't disintegrate on the trail. Many hikers pack traditional European-style lunches of bread, cheese, fruit and hard meats that don't require much refrigeration, such as pepperoni or summer sausage. Oranges are favored by many, who claim they seem to taste better at high altitudes.

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Q. What's the best way to pack my backpack?

A. Each pack is different, as is each person's center of gravity. How one person loads a backpack may not be ideal for another. Generally, try to keep the heaviest part of your load centered close to your back and shoulder blades.

Because a woman's center of gravity tends to be lower than a man's, some women find that putting heavier items at the bottom of the pack is best for their balance. Some backpacks designed for women ride lower, with the weight concentrated near their waist. On some of these packs, the sleeping bag rides on top of the pack.

External frame packs have several outside pockets and internal compartments, while most internal frame packs are basically large bags. "Organization is very important when it comes to internal frame packs,

"You can use different-colored stuff sacks for each section of your gear, such as food, clothing, toiletries and stove fuel. That way, you don't have to dismantle everything to grab what you need," he adds.

The things you use the most during your hike, such as a jacket, candy bars, camera, compass, guidebook or map, should be tucked in a side pocket or on the top within easy reach.


Q.How do I introduce my young children to hiking?

A. Gradually. Before you try a day-long hike, try an hour-long hike and be prepared to carry a straggler or two. Make it fun for them. Let them bring a friend. Point out the wildlife, and have them find special plants or trees so they learn more about the natural world around them. Be sensitive to children's energy levels and need for frequent breaks.

Always bring a first-aid kit on your hikes with children (and all other hikes, too). Moleskin and adhesive bandages can be real lifesavers if you or your little ones get blisters.


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Q. How do I wash myself if water is scarce?

A. "We  don't worry too much about staying clean on the trail,"

"We take a bowl of warm water, and literally I mean a bowl, and a baby wipe. Starting with my face, I work my way down. You can have a pretty complete bath with just a little water.

. Towels  are compact and you can squeeze them out and use them as a washcloth and then a towel. You can even dry your hair with them."

When is it safe to drink water directly from streams or other water sources in the wilderness?

All wilderness water should be treated through either filtration, purification or boiling. 


Q. What is the difference between an internal frame pack and an external frame pack?

A. Internal frame packs have soft frames built into the pack. The bag hugs the body tightly and comfortably and is very well-balanced, which is invaluable when hiking or climbing on difficult terrain. The absence of an external frame also lessens the likelihood of snagging the pack on branches as you walk.

External frame packs usually have more pockets and compartments than internal frame packs. The rigid external frame also allows backpackers to carry heavy loads more comfortably than in an internal frame pack. Many hikers choose this style for extended trips.

"The important thing is that the pack feels right on you. It really depends on what rides comfortably on your shoulders.

"Our personal preference is an internal frame pack, "It moves with my body. And when you take an external frame pack on a plane or bus, it's bulky to handle."


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Q.What is the best kind of stove fuel to use?

A. Several  salesclerks prefer to use butane cartridge stoves in the summer. Butane is light, clean and requires no pumping or priming to produce an instant flame. You simply plug a cartridge into your stove, turn it on and light it.

During the colder months, many use white gas or unleaded fuel. The fuel is inexpensive and produces a lot of heat, which is critical during winter when campers melt snow for drinking water.

Remember to replace your fuel every season and don't store fuel in your stove's tank for extended periods. Fuel should be drained at the end of the season or burned off to prevent impurities from clogging the fuel lines and burners.


Q. How much do I really have to "carry out" when I go backpacking?

A. Everything. Many backpackers use zip-lock bags to carry in food and supplies. As you consume food, convert the bags to garbage bags for your wastepaper, toilet paper and sanitary supplies. Make sure your waste is securely stored, or even double-bagged, so it does not leak or spill onto food or clothing in your backpack.

If you have the energy and initiative, carry out any other trash you find.


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Q. Do ground cloths belong under or inside the tent?

A. Ground cloths are intended to protect the floor of your tent from excessive wear. There are two schools of thought as to whether inside or outside is better, and a good case can be made for both (either option will extend the life of a tent). If you choose to use a ground cloth under your tent, be sure it is slightly smaller than the floor of the tent. If it extends beyond the floor it can potentially collect rain water and you may find yourself floating in the middle of the night.  

Q. When can I build a campfire?

A. "Leave No Trace" camping recommends that you leave a campsite as wild as you find it. As romantic as it is to sit by a campfire under the stars, charred wood and blackened stones scar the landscape. However, if you are camping in an established campsite and there is an existing fire ring, fires are acceptable.  Keep your fire small and personal and, in the spirit of "Leave No Trace" camping, don't cut down trees or mar the landscape collecting firewood.

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Q. Do I have to eat freeze-dried food when I camp?

A. Freeze-dried food is great for lightweight camping and offers a wide variety of meal options. If you're not carrying it on your back though, your menu can be as adventurous as you want. Pack a cooler with fresh foods — gas cook stoves offer few limitations. You can even get small ovens to fit some stoves. The only restrictions to camp cooking should be the chef's imagination.

Q. Are wild animals going to invade my campsite at night?

A. Most animals are leery of humans and their scents. If you are camping in a popular area though, chances are the wildlife has become accustomed to people and you may get visits by some of the locals like squirrels, chipmunks, mice and monkeys. As cute as they may be, resist the temptation to feed them; it only encourages them to eventually help themselves. When you are not using your food, put it away. If you're car camping, keep it in the trunk (park in a cool location). If you are in the wilderness, hang it in a tree about 10 feet off the ground, 20 or 30 feet from your campsite. NEVER keep food in your tent. Most animals are not looking for a human snack, but the smell of food entices them and even a mouse may gnaw a hole in your tent to snag a free meal.

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Q. My sleeping bag is rated for three-season use but no matter how much clothing I put on at night, I am still cold. Should I get a warmer bag?

A. Sleeping bags are designed to provide warmth by trapping body heat in the insulation. If you wear a lot of clothing to bed you are preventing your body heat from warming up the bag. Wear a light layer — it might be chilly for a couple of minutes but eventually you should be quite comfortable. If that doesn't work, try sleeping in long underwear. Doing some jumping jacks before climbing into your bag will also get your body temperature up and make the bag's heat-trapping feature work more efficiently. Still cold? Try putting on a hat, since 80% of heat loss occurs through the top of the head.

Q. What do I do if it rains?
. You can plan pretty much every element of a camping trip except the weather. Even though there is nothing you can do to change it, it shouldn't ruin your experience. First of all your tent should keep you dry. A good tent will have a waterproof floor and ceiling. String up a waterproof tarp to give yourself some space outside the tent. A 12' x 12' tarp will keep an eating/cooking area comfortably covered. Dress for the weather. A pair of Bean Boots will keep your feet dry, a light rain jacket and rain pants will make camp life more than comfortable. 

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Q. What's the best way to deal with insects?

A. Flying insects are more bothersome certain times of the year.  If you really don't like dealing with biting insects, learn their cycles and plan your trips around them. If that isn't an option, there are a wide variety of insect repellents that work in varying degrees. None are 100% effective. The most effective defense is to cover up. Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and a head net for protection. If it's too hot to completely cover up, lightweight, breathable mesh pants and a jacket made specifically to keep insects out are other options and generally are comfortable to wear.

Q. What types of sleds are there for pulling my gear?

A. A plastic recreational toboggan is recommended for pulling a load over level terrain. Load your heavier items toward the rear of the toboggan so the front curl of the sled stays above snow. Make sure no items hang over the edges or they might catch on branches or rocks. A molded plastic sled known as a "pulk" is ideal for rolling terrain. It has rigid bars connecting to your waist or hips that prevents the sled from ramming your heels during a descent. The pulk's hull should have runners along the bottom so it tracks in a straight line behind you. The load on your toboggan or pulk should be wrapped in a tarp and lashed securely so it will not spill its contents.

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Q. Should I use a sled or a backpack to transport my gear in winter?

A. It depends on your personal preference, the type of terrain where you are camping and the length of your camping trip. If you're planning a short trek, you may prefer a backpack that allows you to travel without the hindrance of a sled tugging behind you. If you are planning a longer trek and require more gear, a sled may be preferable. The weight that normally rides on your back is now sliding behind you. A fit winter trekker can pull his or her own weight in a sled. Snow and terrain also play a role. A sled will glide smoother if you are skiing on level terrain and on packed snow than if you are traveling through deep powder on mountainous terrain. If you carry your gear on a sled, be sure to include a day pack to use on day tours from base camp. The day pack can hold essential items, including map, compass, water, first-aid kit and extra clothes.  

Q. How do you balance on skis with a heavy backpack load?

A. Technically, when you're carrying a heavy pack and skiing, you're actually shuffling or walking more than you're gliding unless you have the luxury of traveling on packed snow. Skiing with a pack demands that you economize your skiing motion and concentrate on keeping your balance. Your center of gravity is higher with a heavy pack than when you ski unencumbered, so you need to ski without exaggerated movements. Aim for a well-balanced, upright posture and keep your knees bent for flexibility and stability. A pack that has a lower center of gravity nearer your waist is easier to ski or snowshoe with than one that rides high.

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Q. When should I snowshoe and when should I ski in the backcountry?

A. Snow conditions, terrain and vegetation determine whether travel is by ski or snowshoe. A good general rule is to ski as far as you can and snowshoe from there. But remember, climbing skins on your skis can help you navigate some pretty steep terrain before you're forced to switch to snowshoes. Many choose snowshoes when the snow is deep and vegetation is dense. Cross-country skis are usually the top choice because in packed snow conditions they cover more distance faster and with less effort than snowshoes.

Q. How do I keep liquids from freezing?

A. Insulate them by wrapping your clothing around them and packing them close to your back, deep in your pack. Some water bottles come with insulating covers or you can wrap a sock around them. You can also tape small heating pad squares to your water bottle. At night, place your water bottle (filled with hot water and securely sealed) in your sleeping bag.

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Q. Can I drink water from a stream in winter?

A. All wilderness water should be treated through either filtration, purification or boiling, no matter how cold the weather is.

Q. Which stoves are best for camping in cold temperatures?

A. You need a tough, reliable stove that will heat water quickly and work well in low temperatures. Many campers prefer white gas or unleaded fuel, which is additive-free gas. Check to be sure your fuel and your stove are compatible. While it is tempting to cook in your tent for warmth, especially during a snow storm, do not. Stoves produce carbon monoxide fumes and priming stoves can cause flame-ups, which can melt your tent. If you must cook near your tent, set it up outside and check for proper clearance from stove flare-ups. Tent material is flammable. Keep your tent doors open for ventilation. When you operate a stove, place a pot lid or pan underneath it to keep it from melting the snow beneath, causing it to shift or tip over. If there are high winds, shovel out a clearing around the stove and build a high wind-block wall of snow.

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Q. What backpacks are best for winter camping?

A. Many winter campers prefer internal frame packs. An internal pack, with its soft frame, molds to your back and is narrower than traditional external frame packs. When packed correctly, the bulk of the pack's weight rides lower on your back than with an external frame pack, which has a higher center of gravity. Also, external frames are more likely to catch on branches. Because internal frames hold the load close to your body, you have a free range of motion when you are poling, skiing and climbing. You also have better balance as you navigate over slippery snow conditions.


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